Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to Build your online business . First Know where to start

How to start my Business ? what is my business ? there are two questions alot of people ask . they want real information and I will show you how in this post . 

Just Google it ( how to earn money from the internet ) and you will find dozens of websites talking about that . 

-First . Ask yourself what are you really interested in ? what do you love ? what is that thing the time passes quickly when you  do it ?  do you like swimming , basketball or football ? do you like the new cars , modern houses ? what do you really like ? 

-Second .Make a list of all these things . Think and think . use the internet for more ideas . write everything in a list  . 

-Third .After finishing this list and choosing your interest  that is the time to do some researches on it . 

Knowing what people want is one of the best Strategies to make money online . I always say "Know what they want and give it to them" simply this is it . look on the internet know what people want and consider it their problems . ask about these problems and compare it to the list you have and see . can you provide solutions for them ? 
I am not talking about using this people to make some money from them . no , not at all . just not yet . 

Note : Starting your online business requires some important things like 

A - Improving your skills . It is required not to succeed but to make it easier for you in this way . so If you find a new idea and it is one of your interests you love doing it and know alot of things about it and want to make it your business so you will need to build a website . you will hire some one to do this and lose your money . would't it be better if you had this skill and save your Budget ? 
B - try one thing not everything . yes, just focus on what is your best way to start your business 
and there is a post in my blog about How to start an online business for free  just read it to know the best way for you to make your business work .

In the next post I will show you how to choose your Niche Market .