Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to Build your online business . First Know where to start

How to start my Business ? what is my business ? there are two questions alot of people ask . they want real information and I will show you how in this post . 

Just Google it ( how to earn money from the internet ) and you will find dozens of websites talking about that . 

-First . Ask yourself what are you really interested in ? what do you love ? what is that thing the time passes quickly when you  do it ?  do you like swimming , basketball or football ? do you like the new cars , modern houses ? what do you really like ? 

-Second .Make a list of all these things . Think and think . use the internet for more ideas . write everything in a list  . 

-Third .After finishing this list and choosing your interest  that is the time to do some researches on it . 

Knowing what people want is one of the best Strategies to make money online . I always say "Know what they want and give it to them" simply this is it . look on the internet know what people want and consider it their problems . ask about these problems and compare it to the list you have and see . can you provide solutions for them ? 
I am not talking about using this people to make some money from them . no , not at all . just not yet . 

Note : Starting your online business requires some important things like 

A - Improving your skills . It is required not to succeed but to make it easier for you in this way . so If you find a new idea and it is one of your interests you love doing it and know alot of things about it and want to make it your business so you will need to build a website . you will hire some one to do this and lose your money . would't it be better if you had this skill and save your Budget ? 
B - try one thing not everything . yes, just focus on what is your best way to start your business 
and there is a post in my blog about How to start an online business for free  just read it to know the best way for you to make your business work .

In the next post I will show you how to choose your Niche Market . 

Monday, April 15, 2013

How to start an online business for free

Most people nowadays want to start their online business but they always forget something . what is the meaning of online business so if you really want to start you must understand what you should do to earn money from the internet . there are many ways to start with no budget and earn money from the scratch . it's really easy job you just follow some steps and will reach your goals . 

0so to get started you need to set your goals from now on . it's always important to do this .Some people think that online business is a game. they simply don't know how many people earn money from the internet thousands of dollars monthly from their home .They just knew how to start and what to do. Just Google it ( top internet marketer earner ) or ( top Google Adsense earner ) you will be surprised I'm sure. so in this post I will show you many types of online business you  can start for free and start earning some revenue . 


bloggers are increasing daily it's very easy way to change your life style especially if you are one of those who like writing articles . There are some steps you should take first . 

- Use Blogger  

1- Use Blogger as a platform it's very easy to use and customize to make your blog exactly how you like . 

2- pick up a template you can choose from blogger templates and if you don't like blogger templates go to Btemplates and download the one  you like .

3- Now start adding some articles about what you love and remember to be social to have engaged audience 

4- learn about Search Engine Optimization , backlinking and things will make your blog in the top of search engines  

5- Now after about 50 articles in your blog and enough visitors you can sing up in one of any ad networks like Google Adsense or CPX Interactive and if your content worth you will be able to monetize your blog easily and they will accept your blog and ads will show on your blog.

Internet Marketing  

Internet Marketing is a very smart way to make money online but you just have to be patient and learn about IM you can earn thousands of money out of it actually but how you can do this .

1- Use Youtube to find some free courses about Internet marketing and watch them . remember don't watch carelessly you should focus and believe that this will be your new career . 

2- register at clickbank . it's the best in this field . Clickbank is here to stay so don't waste your time with other platforms clickbank is the best of course . 

3- after several months,  Internet marketing will be very easy and you will be pro and making people buy what you promote will be very easy.Just follow what you learned and remember to take action don't only watch and say will do that later. No you won't do anything you will delay and delay until you will be sick of internet marketing because you won't earn anything and you will say internet marketing is hard.No of course not , IM is very easy and you can always earn money If you did exactly  what you learned . 


Now If you are very good at something Like Web Design , Translating from Language to Language , writing articles about something , Being an  assistant, solving real life problems  , managing time ,  software development  or hundreds of services more you can use your skills to make some money monthly  by being a freelance .

Freelance means that someone will hire you to do something he can't do and pay for that . It's a very good way to earn specially if you are good at something .You don't imagine how many services there are to choose one you are good at . so if you want to be a Freelancer you can do it now 

1- Sign up at Odesk or Freelancer  they are the best  , more chances to be hired  and good payment methods like paypal , Bank wire , Bank deposit and payonner prepaid card

2- write your portfolio and talk about your skill . Don't miss anything  any word can increase your chance to be hired , So write about any thing you are good at and why you are better that others and save it .

3- Post a job you can do and talk about it then leave you computer for a day and come back now if you did everything right you will find people more that you imagine want to hire you . 

4- Explore the jobs people want some worker to do and the one you think you can do it well and contact the job owner saying that you can do it and don't forget to tell him why you are better that the others and your experience . 

Small Gigs 

This is the last way I will add in this post to start your online business from the scratch . Small Gigs or Small Services are very popular nowadays . If you can do small services online like making an advertisement banner , a custom intro ,  improve a website seo , get some backlinks for a website , get some viewers to a youtube video or some subscribers or hundreds of other small services which doesn't take much time to and you can do more than 3 or 4 daily . You can sing up at any of small gigs websites and post a gig or explore what people want  and contact them saying that you can do it for a fixed price you choose .

1- So Firrve and Seoclercks are the best now don't waste your time with other sites you won't find a job it's a waste of time . sign up at any one you like of them 

2- Add a gig you can do for a fixed price and explore others 

3- be professional  just think about it why anyone will want to choose you and there are many other people better than you so some extras to your gig for free 

ex: I will get you 10000 video views on Youtube with a free 25 real subscribers for 10 $ 

it's very good I think because you are telling who see it that you can give him more that he want and you are a professional . 

In the description be cautious add things that will attract more customers and don't just add anything so I will explain it on the above example 

1- I Will get your video on youtube 10000 real views 
2- I Will get you 25 real subscribers for free every time you order my Service
3- I will deliver in 2 days 

this is a good description to write and you will be surprised how many people want to order your gig .

Small gigs is  very good actually but it's different from Freelancing because freelancing sites like Odesk people use them to order a big job like creating website or develop a program but Fiverr people use it to get a small fast service for a small amount of money about 5-30 $ .

Note  : I will add more and more posts about small gigs and freelancing in online business Maker In the following days                                                                                                               

Conclusion . 

There are so many ways to start your online business with no budget and make monthly income . Just remember to choose the one you like and you think that you won't be bored with it . take action after learning anything don't delay anything until tomorrow and always remember to be patient . It's just like learning something in your real live and you will consider it your new career . If you look at it in that way I have no doubt that you will be happy with the results. If you want to start online business with a budget you have  I will take about this later in the following posts. I just wanted to write this post for beginners who don't know how to start but in the next posts i will take about every field and how to professional at it .